The role of the bride can have you scattered in every direction - thoughts of décor, table seating, videographer, number of guests and speeches! Here at Glow, we don’t want you to forget our favourite part…Beauty! We want to make that part is easy for you, so, our team has developed a 12-month guide to prep you to feel absolutely special on your magical day! After all, you are the star of the show!
12 Months
The planning has started! It’s time to begin your beauty journey and find the perfect plan for you. Book a consultation at Glow, as we dive deep into the skins major concerns and figure out the best products and treatments that can transform your skin. Skin essentially takes time to adapt to products and needs a generous number of treatments to achieve that Hollywood glow, that’s why it’s perfect to start right away. A great bonus at Glow Beauty bar is that we offer treatment packages that are a year’s worth!
11 Months
Health is wealth! Just like skincare, fitness takes time to achieve, give yourself a generous amount of time to get to your wedding dress body. This lessens the pressure and disappointment of trying to achieve a fitness goal with short notice! Implement a weekly meal plan and workout routine to stay on track – a great addition to keeping track can be snapping monthly progress photos to keep you motivated.
10 Months
Enhance your health and fitness journey by incorporating the necessary vitamins and supplements you need to keep yourself and your skin healthy. With Advanced Nutrition Programme (now available at GLOW) we can assist you in nourishing your body and achieving your perfect skin from the inside, out with the right supplements and vitamins. For more information on how you can boost your journey to achieve healthy, clear skin, check out our “Get the Glow” acne e-book!
9 Months
Now we're getting to the nitty-gritty! Start planning the specifics so that you won’t be stressed closer to the date! By specifics, we mean photographers, videographers, MC, seating charts, etc. Here’s a little tip we have for you, get everyone on board! Send out thorough emails to assignees of what should be done and what you’d like to get done and set a good time frame. Try your best not to leave anything last minute as it will leave you feeling scattered and anxious.
8 Months
Let’s talk skincare at home! Perfect skin doesn’t happen overnight! Getting a head start on your at-home skincare routine is vital to achieving the skincare goals and results you want to see on your wedding day. It can take 4+ months to see changes in your skin, therefore we want to ensure you have ample time to get clear, healthy, glowing skin in time for your most photographed day.
7 Months
We highly recommend coming in for monthly facial treatments at GLOW. If you are struggling with acne, hyperpigmentation, or are dealing with any other skin concern, a monthly facial visit will allow you to effectively treat your skin conditions to achieve the best results!
6 Months
Time to start thinking about your hair and makeup! Do you want to keep your hair down and loose or out of your face in an updo? Are you looking to go for a more full glam look or something more natural? It is important to pre-plan and envision how you want your hair and makeup to look on your special day to ensure the look and style is well suited for your hair type and facial features.
5 Months
After choosing your gorgeous dress next is…your SHOES! But wait… they looked great in the store, they fit perfectly & they go great with your dress, so what’s the problem? You need to break them in! Slowly start to work in your heels prior to your wedding day, break them in so they aren’t as stiff, and your feet can get used to wearing them for long hours.
4 Months
Now it’s time to think about makeup! Check your favourite magazines, Pinterest boards or social media makeup gurus and find a look that you love! Once you’ve chosen the look, take it to your makeup artist and have them test it out. This trial is very important because it ensures that the makeup artist can do this look for you successfully on your wedding day and it also ensures that you like the makeup look!
3 Months
Re-check in! Check in with your assignees and make sure everything is going on the right path. Fix any loose screws ahead of time to make sure you’re not disappointed on your big day. Re-check in with your venue staff, they manage multiple weddings on a weekly basis, so make sure that they don’t fall through the cracks with what you need and expect.
2 Months
Enjoy a night out! Don’t forget to keep yourself sane by taking a break away from wedding duties. Find hobbies or activities to get your mind off some of the stress! Don’t forget to have a social life.
1 Month Away!
4 Weeks
Treat yourself! Try some other treatments that will make you feel great for your big day. Here are some great add ons that will boost your esteem: teeth whitening, Turkish bath, lymphatic body drainage, your wedding day perfume, spa body wraps or salon hair treatment with a scalp massage. These are just a few ways to get yourself prepped and ready to feel and look your best.
3 Weeks
Get your wedding day goody bag ready! On the day of your wedding, everything happens so fast that you may forget some essentials, at Glow we suggest that you pack items that you’ll constantly need such as, lipstick, powder, powder brush, water, breath mints, napkins and perfume.
2 Weeks
With 2 weeks left until the wedding day, you are likely feeling very overwhelmed and anxious. Take things easy this week and give yourself time to relax. Keeping stress low is important for your health and especially your skin! Get plenty of rest, drink tons of water, and go for a massage.
1 Week Away!
With the final week arriving, get your beauty sleep and wake up in a timely manner for the next few days leading up to your wedding day to avoid puffy, sleepless eyes. Apply your eye cream morning and night and try putting ice packs over your eyes (and ice any little friends that may have popped up) for 10-15 minutes to aid in depuffing. If you are looking to get any waxing or threading done, whether that be waxing your legs or threading your eyebrows, we recommend doing this 4 days before the wedding! This will ensure your skin has enough time to calm down after any irritation. Book your bridal mani and pedi 3 days before the wedding to ensure your nails are looking fresh and pretty.
Wedding Day
It’s finally your special day! With tons of prepping and organizing, it’s time to relax and enjoy everything that you’ve worked for. Don’t forget to savour every moment as it goes by so fast, snap photos, enjoy the laughs, snack, stay hydrated and feel beautiful. At Glow Beauty Bar we hope we can share this special journey with you by guiding you and making you feel beautiful on your wedding day.
Congratulations to the beautiful bride on your wedding day
Glow Beauty Bar