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Dermaplaning - The New Exfoliating Procedure for Your Face

Fads come and go but we’re here to tell you which ones are actually worth considering. There are some facials that celebrities try and we wonder why they do. However, some of them end up making their way into the industry and become a staple of every respectable spa’s services. GLOW wants to remind you that we offer Dermaplaning - a quick and guaranteed way to even and smooth out your complexion by ridding your face of dead skin cells!

But first, let’s talk about the process of dermaplaning is before you Google a picture and run. Your skincare professional will use a sterile scalpel to essentially shave off layers of dead skinned villus hair on your face, revealing a bright, new, smooth, shiny complexion. However, it isn’t as simple as a quick shave. The technique requires your esthetician to have a delicate touch to ensure no damage to your face. It is able to remove up to 3 weeks worth of dead skin cells and the results can last up to a month. It also has the added benefit of facial hair removal. Say goodbye to peach fuzz! It’s not only meant to reveal a bright complexion, but also a smooth one. Don't worry, your peach fuzz WON'T grow back thicker and darker.

One of the best things to know about this procedure is there’s typically no downtime for healing and its a safe treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding! This procedure is simply smoothing - not penetrating. And speaking of penetrating, your skincare products will be able to be absorbed much more directly into the skin now that all those dead skin cells are out of the way. However, many clients find that the best feature of dermaplaning is its ability to significantly lighten post inflammatory hyper pigmentation and scars from past acne. Dermaplaning can even prevent breakouts, as makeup, oils and dead skin cells get stuck onto the vellus hair shaft. Make sure to speak to your esthetician about a proper skincare routine to extend the results of your glowing skin!

Also, as simple as it sounds to shave, this isn’t something that should be attempted at home. Even with the correct equipment it takes lots of training to have a steady hand so be sure to ask a trusted professional. As scary as the word ‘scalpel’ may sound, it is a simple, safe, and fast procedure. Think of it as another form of exfoliation - a step that many of us forget to incorporate into our routine.

To add to the results or if you would like to address any other skin concerns, you can even add to the treatment by getting a peel afterwards - something that’s gentle and will simply help the skin cells generate and turnover at a quicker pace. Of course, this is to be determined by your skin type. When visiting your esthetician for a consultation about what treatment is best for you, make sure to ask as many questions as possible. This treatment can work for most, if not all skin types, but what you want to add on to this treatment, whether it be a peel or a mask, can depend on what types of sensitivities you have.

If you’re looking to try something new with guaranteed results, you now have the basic information to get started!


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